Advances in CNS drug development

New Approaches to Accelerate the Development of Novel Therapies


Dr. Eugenii (Ilan) Rabiner | Executive Vice President, Head of Translational Applications

The global prevalence of diseases affecting the central nervous system (CNS) demands the development of efficacious therapies. However, drug development for CNS diseases is complicated by a limited ability to measure whether a drug candidate is accessing and affecting the human brain, particularly in early-stage human trials. Research by Dr. Eugenii (Ilan) Rabiner and his colleagues, Dr. Roger Gunn and Dr. Jan Passchier at Invicro, highlights the unique capacity for translational imaging technologies, such as PET and MRI scanning, to provide this information. These advances in early-stage drug development have the potential to dramatically reduce the costs of developing a drug and help deliver effective new medications.

In this application note, you will learn:

  • The challenges of the drug development process for CNS diseases and how non-invasive imaging solutions address them.
  • How imaging can be used to quantify molecular targets, assess brain activity (e.g. hemodynamic response), and measure direct/indirect downstream effects (e.g. immune cell proliferation) of drug candidates.
  • How Invicro supports the process from novel radioligand development to late phase clinical trials.